The Optimal Weight Loss Drug Solution:
Dissuade the GLP-Curious and Educate the GLP-Serious

Step 1: Dissuade the GLP-Curious
Our Before Your Journey quiz highlights side effects and risks, to encourage less motivated aspirants to drop out now, rather than wasting expensive drugs and dropping out later.

Step 2: Educate the GLP-Serious
We follow that up with 13 more monthly quizzes that can also be required or incentivized, because employees who want you to pay for them to take weight off should be willing to commit to learning how to keep weight off.
Immediate ROI on Dissuasion

Quizzify Price
$250 or less
(per person who starts
Quizzify and does not go
on to get the drugs)
ROI 10x or more
(~$2500 saved for average
5 month user vs.
$250 for Quizzify per case)
Sample our curriculum for
weight-loss drug users...
Try a sample lesson:
What if our PBM lets us use Quizzify?The PBM can integrate Quizzify into their PA application, by including our embedded web application. Alternatively, you as an employer can run the Quizzify app. We can, of course, coordinate this in such a way that neither we nor you know who the participating employee or dependent is. Either way, completion of both the Before Your Journey quiz (for prior authorization) and the subsequent quizzes (for continuing authorization) can be automatically reported to the PBM.
Wait – why wouldn’t our PBM let us use Quizzify?The large PBMs typically shun Quizzify’s weight loss drug education, because fewer people using these drugs cuts into their rebate revenues. Your contract may actually preclude you from doing your own preauthorization for just that reason. However, education is not legally considered to be part of prior or continuing authorization. Therefore, your PBM is forcing you to violate your fiduciary obligation if they forbid you from educating your employees. If you want to steer clear of confrontation or feel constrained by your contract, there is plenty you can do without involving the PBM at all.
How could we do this without involving the PBM?First, you could cover weight loss drugs at the highest copay level for people who don’t take the quizzes, but at a much lower level for people who do. Or, don’t specifically focus on people taking these drugs but rather make taking the Before Your Journey quiz a highly incentivized wellness program activity for everyone. Sure, some employees whose BMI wouldn’t qualify them anyway (or who don’t want the drugs) will earn wellness points. But most of wellness programming is exactly that. You do biometric screens for many people who don’t need to be screened to identify the few who might benefit, even as most people earn points. You incentivize cancer screenings for many people who would have gotten the screens anyway. And incentivized annual physicals? Some employees would get them anyway, while they are not useful for many other people. Plus unlike most other clinical workplace wellness spending (where even the wellness industry trade association admits losses), the immediate ROI on discouraging unserious use of weight loss drugs is easily tenfold or greater.
What if the PBM says we can't use Quizzify?They cannot stop you from educating your own employees on diet and exercise. According to the labels, these drugs are adjunct therapies to diet and exercise. If they are not willing to adhere to the label instructions, you are. They can either let you do this or write a publicly disclosable letter on why they are preventing you from adhering to the label instructions, which is your fiduciary responsibility. They will fold. If they don't, we can give you a list of PBMs who will happily work with us.
How does this work with coaching?Coaches would come in after someone takes the Before Your Journey quiz, qualifies for the drugs – and still wants them. The financial impact of Quizzify is 95% achieved through upfront dissuasion. That also saves you any coaching fees for people who would have dropped out anyway. Then, there are two options: We use a "shovel-ready" coaching company that already coordinates with Quizzify. We keep an updated list so just ask us. We coordinate with your coaching company, which we can do easily. Alternatively, you just use our follow-on curriculum with no coaching, or the coaching is independent.
Can we customize our own content?Yes. Three observations. First, it may not be allowed to carry the Harvard Medical School logo unless we get it reviewed. Second, a few groups prefer not to use brand names (mostly used to teach about products that are much higher in sugar than they would appear to the casual observer) because they have other relationships with the manufacturers of those brands. We can excise brand names from the questions. Third, many groups like to link our questions to their coaching or resources, a link which is easily accomplished.
I notice that this price is much higher than for classic Quizzify. Aren’t these all the same questions?Glad you asked. Here are six answers: No, they aren’t all the same questions. Perhaps half are. This program can indeed be included with classic Quizzify. You can reach all your members, both those on, or considering, weight loss drugs, at a small premium to the classic Quizzify price to cover our added costs. The implementation and onboarding take us the same amount of time regardless of how many people are playing. The administration is harder, because we have to coordinate and make sure that only the right people get each quiz, and report the scores or quiz completions, possibly to a third party. There are far fewer people to spread the costs over. We get many more challenges to our answers, because so much money is at stake. Our answers are all correct, but we nonetheless respond to each challenge individually. Having said that, our price is a very small fraction of the cost of these drugs. You get an immediate and high ROI for every person who does not take the drugs after taking the quiz. If they do even so much as start on the drugs, there is no charge. The Ultimate Pay-for-Performance guarantee. No performance, no pay. And that ROI doesn’t even include the ongoing curriculum for the serious users that will help them keep the weight off afterwards.
Try Some Sample Questions directly to learn more…
and maybe we’ll also give you the answers to those sample questions.