Feb 27, 20232 min

Quizzify Surpasses Minimum Acceptable Amazingness to Achieve Even More Amazingness

Earlier this month we announced that we had achieved Minimum Acceptable Amazingness. The reason? Our Doctor Visit PrepKits, a unique self-navigation tool for 191 easily searchable common reasons to visit the doctor, from acne to zoster. (Actually it’s “from abdominal pain to zoster,” but that doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.)

Even. More. Amazingness.

The PrepKits now also include links to full information about drugs that might be prescribed for that specific condition. This includes not only the FDA labeling, but user ratings and reviews at www.drugs.com. Employees typically get their information from TV ads, and often request or even demand inappropriate drugs, since they are often paying only a small portion of the bill. 55% of those requests are granted. Two-thirds of the most heavily advertised drugs on TV are of “low benefit.”

With that addition, the PrepKits can shadow the entire doctor visit experience, from preparation to prescriptions…and of course everything in between. And customize it, using questions developed by a health coach or navigator in addition to the standard ones.

Along with our vaunted ER Sticker Shock Prevent Consent, Quizzify2Go minimizes the cost of emergencies and maximizes the value of scheduled encounters.

Now, add our health literacy quizzes that reach everyone, even employees who otherwise would have basically no interaction with the healthcare system…until they do.

That triple-threat by itself should qualify as Even More Amazingness, especially at $12-$15 PMPY or less. If you already have care navigation for the big-ticket elective items, you can add Quizzify health literacy for non-users and Quizzify2Go for routine users and emergency admissions/visits to create 360-degree navigation.

Using Quizzify2Go

But here’s the thing. An app is only as good as people’s willingness to use it, so Quizzify2Go offers many routes. First is that old standby, the laminated card.

We’ve brought this card into the new millennium with a QR that links people to the exact language and instructions they need.

Next is geofencing. If you get within 50 feet of an ER, the instructions will pop up on your screen. In my case, these are the closest ERs in driving distance. A bike path passes in front of a nearby hospital for some reason, and when I ride by, I hear the “ping” of the Consent.

That Was Easy

We’ve also simplified the download process, which wasn't easy because we need to serve two masters here. The employee wants an easy process. The employer needs to know who the employee is. We’ve created an elegant solution to this conundrum that requires only two brief steps for the employees.

Once they’ve downloaded Quizzify2Go, we have all their contact info and can deliver reminders of both the Consent and the 191 PrepKits. More importantly, we can deliver the monthly quizzes themselves. And most importantly, we can even deliver the incentives. “Deliver” applies to groups that, regardless of how little Quizzify costs (vs. screenings), don’t have a separate budget for incentives. That’s because we can provide those ourselves, in the form of drawings. (For groups that have incentive budgets, we already integrate quiz participation with incentives.)

For more info, you can contact us either using this button... or you can scan the QR code on the the demo version of the laminated card above, which will now send you directly to us.